February 2025

February 2025

Every month seems to add a bit of growth. I met someone last month and this month, it’s kinda blown my mind how much fun I’ve had relearning my value. Guilt is a terrible thing and feeling ashamed of my actions led me to a 

January 2025

January 2025

… 2025 …Pause. Reflect. Act. I have the choice. Feelings that come and go, are no longer allowed to be the leader of my life.

F*ck 2024

F*ck 2024

Okay, maybe not fuck it. Was it all bad? Not at all. The year sure ended with a bang for me. Let’s be honest with each other, huh? Sometimes it takes crap happening to make us realize that change is needed. I’ve been stuck in 

What’s the right track?!?

What’s the right track?!?

Seven years ago I hopped on the “I wanna be a badass” train. I focused heavily on exercise, eating healthy, drinking water, and avoiding just about anything that caused my body harm. Well, last year was a doozy, and for the first time I found 



A while back, I decided to do a 12 week program focusing on preparing for a pretend physique show because I want to learn. When I learn, I like to share because it helps me remember. I had looked up creatine and many other performance 

Everybody was WILDFIRE fighting…

Everybody was WILDFIRE fighting…

Okay, maybe not everybody is doing it, but I am getting ready to start my first season. To say I’m a little excited is an understatement. It’s going to be REALLY hard work. Long, hot days. I’m going to stink like a sweaty camp sock, 

My Vaycay in Turks and Caicos

My Vaycay in Turks and Caicos

Before this year, I’d never heard of Turks and Caicos. But I gotta say, I’m glad I was able to go!

Baby It’s Cold Outside, Bring On The Hot Cocoa!

Baby It’s Cold Outside, Bring On The Hot Cocoa!

This cold weather has me wanting all the hot cocoa, hot cider, and hot tea. Snuggles by the fire. Warm fuzzy blankets. You know, all the basic stuff. Part of eating healthy and trying not to eat all the things chocolate and holiday inspired means 

PNW Blues…

PNW Blues…

You always hear, write what you know. Share about you. Well, every year when the season changes, I start to feel depression kicking in. Living in the PNW, I hear about this pretty often, the sunny months are not nearly long enough. I’m writing this 

Camping, Not Backpacking With The Boys

Camping, Not Backpacking With The Boys

Summer is coming, I hope. I’m ready to soak up the adventures that our short season holds. The crew enjoys getting out into the woods. My boys especially love to chop up firewood, whittle sticks, catch snakes, and do “boy” things. I’ve found a love