Cheat Day aka Treat Day Tips

Cheat Day aka Treat Day Tips

You guys know I’m a sugar junkie. I love it ALL. It’s now holiday food season, and I figured it might be helpful to prepare for all the treats. If I allow myself a cheat/treat day, I tend to behave myself better through out the 



A while back, I decided to do a 12 week program focusing on preparing for a pretend physique show because I want to learn. When I learn, I like to share because it helps me remember. I had looked up creatine and many other performance 

PNW Blues…

PNW Blues…

You always hear, write what you know. Share about you. Well, every year when the season changes, I start to feel depression kicking in. Living in the PNW, I hear about this pretty often, the sunny months are not nearly long enough. I’m writing this 

Sleep, don’t let it be elusive.

Sleep, don’t let it be elusive.

Not getting an adequate nights sleep affect your life in many ways. Did you know that different foods can impact your sleep routine?

NO Sugar January

NO Sugar January

  My sweet tooth is colossal! Sometimes I feel in control of it, sometimes I binge on the sugary goods for days, or weeks, at a time. When I was in high school, my mom would give me lunch money. Half of it would buy 

Why did I decide to go Vegan, again?

Why did I decide to go Vegan, again?

There are 3 core reasons for what made me change my mind about eating animal products. If you’ve known me for a long time, you have seen me go from vegetarian as a teenager, back to meat eater, then to vegetarian/vegan in my mid 20s, 

Clean Eating

Clean Eating

Lets Talk Clean Eats! When I first started Coaching, I had no idea what “clean eating” was. I thought I ate pretty healthy, not counting my treats.  Then I heard about a clean eating group my Coach was hosting. So of course wanting to know 

Post Workout

Post Workout

I’ve been struggling with this post for a while because there are lots and lots of things to consider. I’m going to share with you what I’ve gathered on it. Take what I share and do your own digging too! So, like my pre workout 

H20, Aqua, Water!

H20, Aqua, Water!

I don’t know about you but drinking water is tough for me when the weather is cold. I tend to not drink enough. I like drinking my water cold! When it’s hot, I have no problem meeting my goal.  My daily water goal is 1 gallon, 



I’ve been researching the best way to eat pre-workout for the last few weeks. It has not been an easy task but it has been very informative. Myth Busting First thing to announce is that CARBS ARE NOT YOUR ENEMY! That being said, does not