More Than A Why

More Than A Why

It takes a village to raise a child. That means multiple influences, lots of input, and lots of help to develop that precious being. How we develop even as adults can be the same, lots of influence helps us either change in a good way, 

Sleep, don’t let it be elusive.

Sleep, don’t let it be elusive.

Not getting an adequate nights sleep affect your life in many ways. Did you know that different foods can impact your sleep routine?



Exercise is life up in here. If I miss my workout, I tend to be grumpy, less patient, and if I miss it repetitively I tend to get a little depressed. There’s no secret that I’m a sweaty beast when I work out, my kids 

Rock Your Resolutions!

Rock Your Resolutions!

Yup, it’s that time again. Goal setting, new commitments, lifestyle changes. Hooray!!!Go big or go home right?!? Nope. Let me tell you why… (Unless you are that one in a million.) Change is hard! Change is even harder when you try to pile on 20 

Seeds, Aren’t Just For The Birds.

Seeds, Aren’t Just For The Birds.

This little guy flew right under me as I was trying to take photos of the flowers in my yard. One of my favorite things to do is watch the birds. My favorite is the hummingbird, with the blue jays coming in a close second. 

How Do I Stay Motivated?

How Do I Stay Motivated?

Eating healthy & exercise?!? That sounds terribly difficult right? I’m not here to tell you that it’s easy, it’s going to take some dedication on your part. BUT once you get started and get into a routine, I promise it gets easier to stay on 

The Core Part 3- Movement System

The Core Part 3- Movement System

The more I learn about the core, the more I realize when I’m using it. Or maybe it’s just that the trainer in my current workout program is big on working the core this week? Seems to me that God likes to put all of 

The Core Part 2

The Core Part 2

I hope you are returning for more! If you are new, please visit my Part 1 and check out the exercises I shared first. You wouldn’t jump into the ocean without first learning to swim right? Well, I want you to follow the same principles 

Lets get to the CORE of the matter…

Lets get to the CORE of the matter…

The area I hear people complain about the most is their back, and I’m not just saying that because my husband has degenerative disc disease. Second is probably the knees (my biggest struggle), but that’s a topic for another day. Did you know that approximately 

Why did I decide to go Vegan, again?

Why did I decide to go Vegan, again?

There are 3 core reasons for what made me change my mind about eating animal products. If you’ve known me for a long time, you have seen me go from vegetarian as a teenager, back to meat eater, then to vegetarian/vegan in my mid 20s,