No Race COVID Blues

No Race COVID Blues

Anyone else feel like the hits keep coming? First it was a shut down in March. I handled that because it was warm enough to enjoy outside time, plus there was a perk of extra money on my unemployment. After that being shut down started to get to me. I couldn’t go to the gym. I couldn’t go hiking anymore. I was done. Then we re-opened for the most part.

I enjoyed the summer months, probably not as much as I could have, but it was good. THEN… November hit and the numbers went up and we are shut down… AGAIN!!! Living in the Pacific Northwest where the temps get low and the rain, or fog, seem never ending, has definitely been a downer. Exercise has been a life saver for me because it gives me something to focus on, and there are so many varieties of working out that I can do from home.

My drive to workout lately has been only because I’ve set out to complete 75 Hard, and don’t want to fail. Otherwise, some mornings, I don’t even want to get out of bed. You know what I miss about signing up for races? It’s not the winning, because I’m not that fast. It’s the energy, the motivation to get my booty off the couch and put in the miles. It’s the drive to prepare for something. This is the time of year I usually sign up for races to help with that fire. With all the uncertainty of the times though, I’m not going to sign up for anything.

I know it seems like COVID is never ending and there is no hope. There is though. We’ve got to focus on what we can do. Focus on goals that motivate us, even if it looks different that what has worked in the past.

A lot of times people look at the negative side of what they feel they can’t do. I always look at the positive side of what I can do. -Chuck Norris

I know not every one is a runner chasing a better mile time. Not everyone is a weight lifter, or crossfit junkie, looking for the next PR. But we all have something in common. Exercise releases endorphins that boost our brain health and help battle depression. So here’s my challenge to you…

Get moving. Do something. Anything. Run. Do burpees. Walk. Stretch. Do body weight exercises. Find an accountability crew to keep you on track. Shout to the world, or you social media crew, what your plan is. AND then, reward yourself for sticking to those plans for the next month. Buy some new running shoes, or a new dress for when we get out of this thing to go out on the town in. Whatever it is that floats your boat, we’ve got this together!

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