More Than A Why

It takes a village to raise a child. That means multiple influences, lots of input, and lots of help to develop that precious being. How we develop even as adults can be the same, lots of influence helps us either change in a good way, or a bad way. In the health world, I hear “find your why” a lot. Why are you doing this? Why are you backpacking the JMT? Why do you want to live in an RV? Each one of those questions have WAY more than one answer. It’s a village of reasons!
He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.
Friedrich Nietzsche
What’s Your Why?
Your why should be the main reason you are fighting for your goal. For example: I want to exercise regularly, because I want to be able to climb to mountain tops. I want adventure! It should be so big that it sticks in your mind when you fail, it gives you that drive to push forward. Some people say your why should make you cry. I’m not sure that I agree with that, but it should definitely be something that means a whole lot to you.
You Need More Than One
So you want to lose weight, everyone does. The question is are you willing to put in the work to get there? If so, AWESOME sauce! What’s your plan of attack? Most people fail at their workout plan after a couple of days being sore. We tend to hate our outward appearance, and that’s why we want to lose weight, but we are comfortable in our habits. It’s easier to stop at the drive thru than it is to cook a healthy meal. It’s easier to sit on the couch glued to Netflix than it is to get 30 minutes of cardio in.
We have to strengthen our willpower. I would like to say that you just have to do what you say. Stick to the plan. Don’t let excuses drag you down. That may not be feasible, so strengthen it by building a list of “why’s” that make you want to keep pushing forward. Think about your goal and think about EVERY positive outcome in finishing it.
If I get down to my target weight…
- My clothing will fit better.
- Or, I will get to buy new clothes.
- I will have more energy.
- I will feel better in my own skin.
- Exercise will improve my heart health.
- I will be less winded walking up the stairs.
- I’ll be able to play with my kids, instead of watch from the sidelines.
- I will feel proud of myself for sticking to it.
- I’ll be a positive example for my kids.
- I will be able to try more physical activities.
When I earn my personal trainer certification…
- I will be proud that I FINALLY accomplished it.
- I will be able to confidently help people meet their goals.
- I will be able to start my own boot camp.
- I will feel legit.
- I will be able to design my own workout programs.
- I will be able to show my kids that if you set your mind to something you can make it happen.
- I could get a job at a gym, and quit waiting tables.
- I’ll be able to find another part of personal training to expand my knowledge on. (Youth, Senior, Cancer Patients, Groups)
See what I mean? Your why could be that you want to be skinny, or that you want to finally finish your training, but finding more reasons to keep pushing forward helps make it real in your head. Saying “I will” or saying “I am” makes it true in your mind and means you are no longer letting those excuses dictate your life.
I’d love to hear what your goals are and the WHY’s that will help you stick to it!