NO Sugar January

My sweet tooth is colossal! Sometimes I feel in control of it, sometimes I binge on the sugary goods for days, or weeks, at a time. When I was in high school, my mom would give me lunch money. Half of it would buy me lunch, the other half would buy me a king size Snickers bar. I’m pretty sure I had some sort of sugary candy bar every day for almost four years. That definitely helped build up a solid foundation of sugar addiction. As an adult I have continued that bad habit with things other than Snickers bars. When my second son was born, any time I would pump in attempt to have a stock of breast milk for when I was working, I would snack on double stuffed Oreos. When I became a bartender, it turned into margaritas filled with a sugary drink mix, that also led to another addiction. I never really thought I had an addictive personality until I tried to quit my addictions.
Two years ago, a friend of mine told me she was quitting sugar for the year. She still had honey, but no cane sugar or alternative sugars. Last week I thought to myself, after having a sugar filled weekend, that I would try a year sugar free. My friends told me I might be crazy. Which, I might be! Since thinking the year of no sugar through, I’ve decided to start small and make this goal more attainable. Every month will have some sort of sugar challenge, but not the 100% denial. I haven’t made a complete plan for the year, but I’ve got at least the first three months planned out. January is 100% no sugar. February is only sugar alternatives like honey, agave, or stevia. Not only will February be only alternative sugars, it will be only one day a week. I’m not setting that day to a specific day because there may be a birthday or a holiday to enjoy! March is going to continue with the one day a week treat, with less restrictions on what kind of sweet. I’m trying to build my mindset into a lifestyle that allows for a treat on occasion, not the mindset that wakes up thinking I WANT SUGAR!!! #thestruggleisreal
You’re probably thinking, sweet, good for you, but why are you sharing this with me? Misery loves company, and of course I’d love to challenge you to hop on the “No Sugar January” bandwagon too! But really, I want to share with you how I’m going to cut the sugar and still enjoy healthy treats throughout the month. Success needs preparation, and I plan to be prepared to the hilt!
My Plan
Mindset Matters
It’s easy to get caught up in the “I can’t have this” mindset. It’s important to focus on what you CAN have rather than what you can’t have. Yes, I love sugar, but I get to eat these delicious raspberries! They are going to fuel my body and have even been said to fight cancer. Getting healthier and feeling better is a positive thing, so cheer yourself on for the positive changes you’re making by choosing the better option.

I’ve done sugar detoxes before and every time I’ve noticed how much better fruit tastes when I’m not eating the processed treats. Fruit is loaded with vitamins and not nearly as many calories as a candy bar. I’m not saying you should overeat on fruit, but try substituting it as your dessert. It helps me to save it for the evening because it’s the sweet treat at the end of the day that I look forward to. You could also plan to have it during the time you know you crave sweets the most, maybe mid-afternoon when you’re ready for the workday to be done, and you’re bored and want to reach for a snack.
Meal Plan
Being full likely means you don’t want to eat. Depending how your meal schedule is, plan for a big breakfast and a big lunch so you won’t be tempted during the day. If you eat small meals throughout the day, make sure you plan them ahead. Freedom means more room for error. If I wake up knowing that I’m having roasted veggies with hummus and a protein shake, I’m less likely to grab at the easy make box of cereal in the cabinet.
Fruity Hot Teas
Not gonna lie, I love coffee like the rest of the world. If it’s easy to make or drink, it’s hard for me to pass it up. I guess I should clarify that it’s the sweet creamy goodness that I desire most. I’ve found that having a variety of herbal teas available makes it easier to say no to that sugar and caffeine fix. The caffeine doesn’t really give me the energy I’m looking for anyways, and the added fat on my love handles doesn’t fit in my jeans. I really enjoy the two teas below with no sugar added. Sure it’s an acquired taste, but knowing what I’m working for always helps me like the healthy option better.

Dates (not date night) or Applesauce
I mentioned fruit before as a substitute but did you know that dates or applesauce is a great substitute in a lot of baked recipes. I’m not saying to make any of these recipes daily, but when you’re really feeling like you need something sweet, like when aunt flow comes for a visit, you’ve got a back up plan. I put a few links to some fun recipes that use dates as a sweetener. I must note that I’ve never tried these specific recipes but I love the Minimalist Baker’s cinnamon rolls, so I trust her recipes. I love trying new recipes so you better believe all of these will be part of my emergency sweet tooth fix plan.
Ready Freddy?
I don’t know about you but I’m feeling confident that I can do this! January starts next week and I’m glad to have the tools for success. Are you ready to commit to 30 days of getting back on track after the sugar loaded holidays? I’d love to add you to my free online accountability group. Like I said before, misery loves company, but really, it helps to be surrounded by like minded people who are fighting the same fight.
If you beat me at trying any of the recipes below, I hope you’ll share your feedback with me!
Who doesn’t love brownies?!? If you don’t, I’m not sure we can be friends…
It’s a little cold out but it’s never too cold for a milkshake.
I want to try the chocolate pudding. That’s a simple dessert that I miss since going vegan.
I’m on board! Going to try and get some of my coworkers to join too. 🤗