Insanity: Month 2
It took 10 weeks and a day, but it is finished!
This was a HARD month. Not just because the workouts were hard but because I took a couple rough emotional hits, along with getting sick for a week. I was a little bummed out at first because I worked really hard with my workouts but didn’t put my all into nutrition until the last couple of weeks. After month 1, the game plan was to fight to eat healthy and see amazing results. All in all though, I have to remember I FINISHED! It has been at least 4 years, if not 5 since I purchased and failed this program time and again. So I am proud that even though I wasn’t perfect, part of the journey is learning where your weaknesses lie and continuing to fight for growth. #onedayatatime #celebratesmallvictories
I’m writing this month out a little differently because it was a different kind of month. I want you to understand the struggles I had, I want to show you why I might not have gotten the results I anticipated. Bare with me.
February 4, 2017:
Today I lost one of my grandpa’s to cancer. Today put in perspective how important taking care of my health now is for better health later. Today made me realize how important my Coaching job is because not only do I get to help one person get healthier, I get the chance at the compounding effect of helping their family get healthier and even possibly preventing a disease that will keep their loved ones around even longer and with a better quality of life too. Tomorrow, I will push play because I know that for my mind, I need that release, I need to know that I am doing my best for my family. I am putting my best self or best effort forward because I want to be the change.
Feb 6, 2017 – M2 D1:
I AM TOAST! Fit test and Max Interval Circuit, in one day! The fit test took about 30 minutes and the next took about 60 minutes. What on earth did I get myself into?!?
M2 W2:
Emotional stress and the stress of new routines got me down, so I surrendered. I haven’t been really sick in such a long time, I forgot how crummy it is! This crud took me down for a whole week. I am not the lounge around and do nothing type, instead of skipping all activity I made sure to take some light walks, do some relaxing yoga from the 3 Week Yoga Retreat and it was the right choice for me. That is a victory because I tend to run 15 miles when my body is only ready for 3 of them. I tend to let my wants lead my workouts without listening to my body. Jumping around just was not an option because my cough makes me sound like there’s a donkey in the house, seriously… Being behind schedule is not my favorite thing, but I know my body needs it. So Week 2 started a week late.
February 21, 2017:
My other grandpa, Papa, had a debilitating stroke today. He had been diagnosed with Parkinson’s and also dementia and before I was able to get out to visit, the stroke put him into a coma. He’s being made comfortable till it’s time for him to go. This is especially hard.
We spent 2 days at the hospital and while I would love to be able to say I stayed strong through this… I had cookies, I had jelly beans, I snacked on junk food. I missed a workout. I know none of that helped me feel better. At least my meals were healthy. On the first day at the hospital I made an effort to snack healthy. Alas the emotional eats grabbed hold, and of course I didn’t want to document those failures.
M2 W3:
I’m starting to get a hold of my emotions again. I have the kind of sweet tooth that if you feed it sugar for a few days, it turns into a nasty monster. It’s a really difficult habit for me to break. For this last week I’d say I ate 85% good foods, this next week I’m aiming to do better. It’s crazy what one week can do to change your body. Please note the tasty foods above, soo good! Why don’t I do prep like this more often?!? I’m realizing that summer is coming soonish. It’s taking longer than I’d like but I’m happy for extra prep time. I have a week of workouts left and I’m looking forward to a change in routine! Shorter workouts, yes please!
5 Days Left!!!!
Almost done!
It has been one heck of a ride, almost enough bumps to make me want to quit. My mind needed to be in a better place and I know that to get there I need to read. I finished the book “Failing Forward” and it was very motivating. I started reading another book but it just wasn’t doing the trick, it was actually bogging me down. Then I found Spartan Up! and if you haven’t read it but have big fitness or life goals even, this is a MUST READ! I read the prologue and didn’t want to get off the treadmill because I felt like I could conquer the world! Mindset is everything! If you are in a rut of plugging along unsatisfied with where you are going, you have to choose to make the change. You have to choose to invest in yourself, because no one else can do the work for you! This book has been a game changer for me this week.#AROOAROOAROO
Please tell me you see the difference in the Fit Tests?!? I am so stoked! Between Fit Test 2&3 I wasn’t sure I was going to continue seeing any progress because I felt like I was pushing my hardest and unable to go any harder, then the next one came along and I got a little better, and a little better. There’s one part on the Fit Test video where Shaun T asks Chris how he felt during his test now vs how he felt the first time, I can’t remember the exact wording but he said that he felt just like he did the first time. Each time you are pushing yourself to do a higher number of reps, so each time you’re going to feel like you’re dying but you’re likely to keep seeing progress! #strongereveryday
I have to give a shout out to everyone in my Accountability Group this month. When I struggled they were there, seeing them continuing to fight the good fight, made me keep pushing forward. Success comes with a plan and I made sure I was ready from the beginning. Some of the things that helped me succeed:
- Accountability- I’m just like everyone else, we love positive reinforcement. We love to do good and see good. Surround yourself with like minded or goal oriented people and it’s hard to fail because they aren’t.
- Following a Schedule- I have had the big workout calendar sitting in my box of Insanity dvd’s since I bought it. I have never written on it because I wasn’t fully committed. I didn’t want to risk half way doing it and then have to look at my uncompleted calendar.
- Being Realistic- Failure happens, sick days happen, sometimes you have to stop, reevaluate and be okay with taking a little longer than you planned. Be flexible but not so flexible that you lose sight of the initial goal.
- Talking About It- It’s easy to lie to yourself, not so easy to lie to others. I blasted about Insanity for the last two months. If I would have stopped, people would have known I failed and possibly could have called me out, I’m not about awkward moments.
- Believing In Myself- *Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right. Henry Ford* I went into this thinking I was ready because I had completed many other programs. Insanity is just another one, and I did it!
- Rewards- Mama wants a new pair of shoes! Not only am I going to be rocking my well earned Insanity t-shirt, I am going to buy myself a new pair of running shoes because I finished. If you are struggling with the thought of 60 days, choose a shorter program to start, earn a reward every week. It doesn’t have to be big, some people do a new pair of workout pants, a fitbit, a dinner out with the hubs, something you will be excited about earning other than the long term reward of being healthier.
Progress doesn’t have to be pounds lost, or muscles gained. I saw progress in ability and flexibility also. The first time Shaun T had us do the low lunge stretch, I couldn’t get this low. I was barely lower than a regular side lunge. Now, to continue moving forward with flexibility…
Measurements & Pics
I honestly didn’t see those results coming, that’s why it is important to take before and after pictures and measurements. I honestly can’t remember my waist was that small. I’m taking that non scale victory because that’s what counts to me. I was surprised I made it under 139 too, I know I lost a little bit of arm muscle so I’m not going to count that as a victory because I am going to work on building up these guns again.
The Light at the End of the Tunnel-
This was my most challenging program yet. I experienced adversity, and I prevailed! Knowing that I have finished Insanity tells me that I can finish any program I set out to try, if I want it bad enough. This tells me that I can FINISH that half marathon I am planning to run in June, and I can run the whole thing. Confidence is grown by experience, and my confidence is soaring right now.
So what’s next? I’m going to continue on my running program. I’m also going to do 3 weeks of the 21 Day Fix and the 3 Week Yoga Retreat. Strength training and flexibility done in an hour, that’s what I’m talking about! Oh, and yes, I’ve already submitted for my finisher’s shirt and I can’t wait to rock it <3
Ready for some accountability next month?!?
Fill out the form below and tell me what your goals are, are you ready to commit to changing? Don’t worry, unless you want to, I won’t make you do Insanity. We will find you the perfect program to get started with. I will get back to you within a couple of days.
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